Did you engage in each of the phases of the critical inquiry process?
Yes! It was great to look back, and to see the full spectrum of learning dimensions experienced through this journey.
Were you able to resolve any problems or dilemmas?
The course gave some excellent tools by which to ‘humanize’ and ‘socialize’ online learning environments.
What might you do differently in a future course?
The most dynamic part of this learning journey was, for me, the introduction of video, sound and image technologies as key elements within the online environment. I am excited to play with these throughout my upcoming course.
How might you engage with your students to ensure that they are working through the entire inquiry process?
I believe it is important to provide contextual videos for students, check in regularly on their status, offer a range of help options, and present to students in an open learning framework.
Do you think that working through this course in an open platform like WordPress helps to encourage reflective learning?
I am grateful to have undertaken this course, as it provded valuable tools and insights surrounding the unique dynamics of online learning – ones that I hope will be of ultimate benefit to students.